Monday, March 7, 2011

The Beginning of the 'Fest

Every blog needs its first post which is probably why I have put off starting this blog for so long. I have ridiculous dating stories, and the world needs to hear them. I've known this for the past year that I've been single. But where to even start? I think we'll start with a little background and just roll with it from there. Good for you? I thought it would be.

I am a single woman living in Buffalo. For those of you unawares, Buffalo, is a veritable sausagefest. That is to say that the single male to female ratio is approximately 1,000:1 in any given bar (this is the reason for the blog title for those following along). As an attractive (I'll admit it) 26-year-old who has spent her entire youth in a relationship, this treasure trove of raw manhood has proved exciting and overwhelming at times. However, this environment has provided me with ample opportunities to sample the variety of men out there, good and bad (never ugly). And, goddamn, if it hasn't given me some good stories.

These are my stories. Names have been changed. Places have been disguised. Everything else is the real fucking deal, son.

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